
Who is Brett Bruggeman?

Brett Bruggeman is currently the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Land O’Lakes, Inc., a member-owned cooperative that ranked 213 on this year’s Fortune 500 list. In January 2023, Brett transitioned out of his position as President of Land O’Lakes’ WinField United into his current role. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University. Brett claims Land O’Lakes is focused on its “quest for continuous improvement by embracing innovation.” So what improvements has Land O’Lakes made in its supply chain to no longer support the archaic practice of caging egg-laying hens?

Brett Bruggeman has the power and ethical responsibility to end the animal abuse in Land O’Lakes’ supply chain. So why won’t he?

In 2016, Land O’Lakes committed to ending its use of eggs that come from hens kept in tiny, filthy cages, agreeing to transition the company over to 100% cage-free eggs by 2025. This commitment was similar to those made by other companies over the years—today, 400+ companies in the US have commitments to transition to the use of solely cage-free eggs.

While competitors like Nestlé, JM Smucker Co., and Hormel Brands have fulfilled their commitments to be 100% cage-free in the United States, Land O’Lakes has yet to publicly report its progress. Is it reneging on its commitment? Has it failed to make any growth toward the goal it set for itself? This lack of accountability and transparency is unacceptable.

As consumers—as well as Land O’Lakes’ own leaders—know, making a promise is not the same as making good on a promise.

Caged egg-laying hens spend their lives crammed together in barren wire cages. They cannot dust-bathe or express most of their other natural behaviors. Often, they suffer from broken bones and mental anguish. Each hen is unable to even spread her own wings, and she only has as much space as the size of a sheet of paper within which to live her entire, miserable life. Land O’Lakes claims it is “driven every day to make things better.” Is supporting cages really how Land O’Lakes plans to do that?

Chickens are social, intelligent animals who should not be forced to live in such horrifying conditions—conditions so inhumane that many countries and states have made them illegal. Companies like Land O’Lakes should not go back on their commitments, especially when they affect the lives of so many animals.

Will Brett Bruggeman choose to do the right thing and encourage his fellow leadership to follow through with the company’s own commitment to end animal cruelty, or will he continue to ignore the public promise Land O’Lakes made?

Click “Take Action” below to tell Brett Bruggeman that consumers demand more and animals deserve better. Now is the time to demonstrate true leadership by showing the world that Land O’Lakes sticks to its word.

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